Flowers are solitary, emergent, diurnal, and sweetly scented. They are intermediate between cupiform (cup-like) and stellate in shape. The four sepals are oblong, acute, 7-8 cm long, and 3-3.5 cm wide. Sepals are partially green (RHS 135C) and partially petaloid (RH5 96D-97A). There are 14-16 petals, each 7.7-8.5 cm long and 2.3-3.3 cm wide, with an entire margin and obtuse apex. The transition of petals to stamens is relatively abrupt. Petals of first-day flowers are violet-blue (RHS 96D-97A). There are =200 stamens with carmine (RH5 6413) anthers that turn greyed-orange (RHS 174D) with age. Filaments are yellow (RHS 11D) centrally, turning to violet-blue (RHS 97C) peripherally, and fading to greenish-white (RHS 157D) with age. The filaments are 0.5-1.5 mm wide, the larger ones somewhat laminar. The floral axis is carmine (RHS 64B). The hybrid is distinct from the parents by its novel petal and anther colors and by its intermediate flower and petal shapes.

The standard of Nymphaea `William Phillips' comprises a set of five dried specimens
(accession no.121558) provided by the originator and conserved at the Univ. of Connecticut's George Safford Torrey Herbarium (CONN). The standard specimens were collected by William E. Phillips from growing tank no. 7, located at 1161 Stage Ave., Memphis, TN 38127. The standard portfolio also includes additional dried material for further destructive sampling, an illustration, digital and printed images, a copy of the International Waterlily and Water Garden Society IWGS) registration form, and the protologue. The cultivar was originated by William E. Phillips and was nominated by Kit Knotts, Cocoa Beach, Fla.
The name Nymphaea `William Phillips' was included inadvertently in a previous list (Knotts, 2002); however, that action did not constitute establishment of the name in accordance with Article 22.6 of the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants (Trehane et al., 1995). is a tropical intersubgeneric waterlily cultivar bred/released by William E. Phillips. View photos, descriptions and detailed characteristics of this plant in the IWGS Aquatic Plant Database.' property='og:description'/>Flowers are solitary, emergent, diurnal, and sweetly scented. They are intermediate between cupiform (cup-like) and stellate in shape. The four sepals are oblong, acute, 7-8 cm long, and 3-3.5 cm wide. Sepals are partially green (RHS 135C) and partially petaloid (RH5 96D-97A). There are 14-16 petals, each 7.7-8.5 cm long and 2.3-3.3 cm wide, with an entire margin and obtuse apex. The transition of petals to stamens is relatively abrupt. Petals of first-day flowers are violet-blue (RHS 96D-97A). There are =200 stamens with carmine (RH5 6413) anthers that turn greyed-orange (RHS 174D) with age. Filaments are yellow (RHS 11D) centrally, turning to violet-blue (RHS 97C) peripherally, and fading to greenish-white (RHS 157D) with age. The filaments are 0.5-1.5 mm wide, the larger ones somewhat laminar. The floral axis is carmine (RHS 64B). The hybrid is distinct from the parents by its novel petal and anther colors and by its intermediate flower and petal shapes.

The standard of Nymphaea `William Phillips' comprises a set of five dried specimens
(accession no.121558) provided by the originator and conserved at the Univ. of Connecticut's George Safford Torrey Herbarium (CONN). The standard specimens were collected by William E. Phillips from growing tank no. 7, located at 1161 Stage Ave., Memphis, TN 38127. The standard portfolio also includes additional dried material for further destructive sampling, an illustration, digital and printed images, a copy of the International Waterlily and Water Garden Society IWGS) registration form, and the protologue. The cultivar was originated by William E. Phillips and was nominated by Kit Knotts, Cocoa Beach, Fla.
The name Nymphaea `William Phillips' was included inadvertently in a previous list (Knotts, 2002); however, that action did not constitute establishment of the name in accordance with Article 22.6 of the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants (Trehane et al., 1995). is a tropical intersubgeneric waterlily cultivar bred/released by William E. Phillips. View photos, descriptions and detailed characteristics of this plant in the IWGS Aquatic Plant Database.' name='Description'/> Nymphaea 'William Phillips' A. Doran, Les & M. Moody - IWGS Plant Database

Plant Database

Waterlily, Lotus and aquatic plants

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This plant is known under multiple names. The synonyms known to us are listed below:

Note: This name is a synonym of . Please visit the accepted name record for more details.


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Classification: {{GetClassificationText(Plant.classification)}}

Viviparous: Yes No unknown

Petal color: {{Plant.color}} unknown


Distinct: {{Plant.distinct}}

Plant distribution: {{Plant.wildLocation}}

Cultivar found growing in the wild? {{Plant.wildLocation}}

This plant is a species of {{Plant.genus}}, in the {{}} family.

Cultivar derived from a sport of:

Cultivar selected from a batch of cultivated seedlings:

Parentage notes: {{Plant.parentNotes}}

Origin (Hybridized)



Cultivar named after: {{Plant.nameDerivation}}

Name derivation: {{Plant.nameDerivation}}


Cultivar name registered on behalf of: {{Plant.regBehalf}}


This plant has won an award in a contest.

{{aw.award1}} awarded by the {{aw.awardOrg}} in {{aw.awardYear}}
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None on file.

Flower characteristics

Shape {{id.flowerShape}} unknown
Size (average) {{id.flowerDia}}cm unknown
Fragrant {{id.fragrant}} unknown
Emergence height above water {{id.emergence}}cm unknown
Sepal description
Color abaxial , adaxial
Size (average) {{id.sepalSize}}cm
Number of sepals {{id.sepals}} unknown
Petal description
Color unknown
Size (average length x width) {{id.petalLength}} x {{id.petalWidth}}cm
Number of petals {{id.petals}} unknown
Stamen description
Number of stamens {{id.stamens}}
Anther color inner , outer
Filament color unknown
Pedicel description
Color unknown
Pubescence {{id.pedicel}} unknown

Leaf characteristics

Shape {{id.leafShape}} unknown
Size average length x width {{id.leavesLength}} x {{id.leavesWidth}}cm unknown
Margin {{id.leafMargin}} unknown
Sinus {{id.sinus}}
Lobes {{id.lobes}} unknown
Leaf color
Adaxial (top) unknown
Abaxial (underside) unknown
Petiole description
Color unknown
Pubescence Petiole pubescent (hairy) Petiole smooth unknown
Diameter of plant {{id.plantDia}}cm unknown
General comments
{{id.comments}} none
Identification by {{}} unknown , {{ToReadableDate(id.dated)}}

None on file.

{{herb.specID.labelHeader}} {{herb.specimen.verifSummaryLabelName}}

None on file.

{{}} ({{prot.publication.year}}) {{prot.publication.title}} {{prot.vnp}}
POWO (2019). "Plants of the World Online. Facilitated by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Published on the Internet; Retrieved {{toPowoDate(Plant.importDate)}}."
Data imported from Victoria Adventure. {{Plant.sourceUrl}} Retrieved {{toPowoDate(Plant.importDate)}}.
Data imported from the Victoria Adventure Waterlily Names A-Z list. Retrieved {{toPowoDate(Plant.importDate)}}.
To report errors or omissions about this plant please email