Plant Database

Waterlily, Lotus and aquatic plants

Nymphaea '我爱你'



Note: This name is a synonym of Nymphaea 'I Love You' (H) . Please visit the accepted name record for more details.


Narrow crimson red petals, flowers of compact size with stamens and pistils that are larger in proportion to the petals than what is typically found in hardy waterlily cultivars.

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This plant name is a synonym. The plant may be on offer as Nymphaea 'I Love You' (H)

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Viviparous: unknown

Petal color: Red

History of Plant

Seed (maternal) parent

Nymphaea 'Manee Red' (H)

Pollen (paternal) parent

Nymphaea 'Rattana Ubol' (H)

Parentage notes: 'Manee Red' x 'Rattana Ubol' (heat treated)

Origin (Hybridized)


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Flower characteristics

Shape Stellate
Size (average) 7cm
Fragrant No
Emergence height above water 0cm
Sepal description
Color abaxial Greenish , adaxial Reddish
Number of sepals 4
Petal description
Color Red
Number of petals 46
Stamen description
Anther color Yellow
Filament color Yellow
Pedicel description
Color Red

Leaf characteristics

Shape Round/slightly ovate
Size average length x width 15 x 13cm
Margin Entire
Lobes Lobes closed
Leaf color
Adaxial (top) Green
Abaxial (underside) Green
Petiole description
Color Red
Pubescence Petiole pubescent (hairy)
Diameter of plant S (between 30 and 60cm)
Identification by Timo Gabriel

Herbarium Specimens

None on file.


None on file.

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