Waterlily, Lotus and aquatic plants
Intersubgeneric (Nymphaea x Brachyceras) cross with pale pink (RHS 69B (Very Pale Purple)) petals splashed with red-purple (RHS 72B (Strong Reddish Purple)). Flowers measure 11.5-15.8 cm (4.5-6.2”) in diameter with 33-42 petals per bloom. Blooms are held 9-13.5 cm (3.5-5.3”) above the water’s surface. Plant grows up to 1.6 m (5.25’) in diameter. Leaves are solid green (RHS RHS 141B (Deep Yellowish Green)) and lighter green (RHS RHS 141C (Strong Yellowish Green)) underneath.
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Classification: Hardy x Tropical Inter-subgeneric Waterlily
Viviparous: unknown
Petal color: Pink
Nymphaea 'Suwanna'
Distinct: Hybrid most closely resembles ‘Suwanna’ but is an intersubgeneric hardy x tropical cross.
Parentage notes: Unnamed × Unnamed
Shunguang Zhao
October 6th 2019
Qian Wu
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